Saturday, August 4, 2012

Projection mapping

Malaysia Design Year Launch - Projection Mapping Showcase from Motiofixo on Vimeo.

The project is self is a creative project.. i did this kinda work a very simple one for my final project in segi college. its basically a combonation of all Multimedia elements. pojection mapping is a video where we use a or multiple projector to project an illustration/ illusion  to a mapped area example box circle triangle ect.. in my  opinion we as a multimedia student need to know how does this element work as a group and as an individual. I hope i could do this project again for my final presentaion/showcase towards the end of my study here in utar. hope to be a better multimedia student. but i hate drawing!!
:(( to do this u dont need to know how to draw. just need to know the elements and design and color contrass of this work..