Wednesday, May 30, 2012

my classmates

This is my classmates. They are very interesting in their own way. Hope in a way i can get to know them better in the future. I have 3 years to understand them. So better get started. on the left is zhi hui if i am not mistaken.. sorry if i spell you name wrongly, beside him is starfish, and joan , follow by carmen.. and in the middle with her hand covering her mouth is aly.. who would know that we all get close together so fast in a short period of time..and working together as a group.. they helped me a lot along this few months. i know i am not a very great person. but what ever i know i would help them too. i love their artistic sense which i am lack of. they thought me how to draw and i teach them how to use photoshop and illustrator. Its creative in the sense of how we manage to make friends so fast and its only on the 1st day. Those people inspire me to be more creative and hardworking in class. and because of them i manage to do my work a lot better.. i know i am lazy at times and now days because there alot of things in my mind i tent to procrastinate by playing game and watching movie. but because of my classmates ALL my class mates i tent to finish this semester with great hope of passing all my subject. thanks guys for all your help.

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