Saturday, June 16, 2012

Made smores

Yesterday 16.06.2012 i made smores. smores isn't that famous in malaysia and its very hard to get.  its not hard to make yet i have no idea why people dont sell these. maybe because its very messy when you eat it. well how i make it you might ask? its easy! just take a biscuit, any type of biscuit and put chocolate on it. then but it in the oven for about 5-10 mins or so  just so that the chocolate would melt on the biscuits. then start to spread it a little so that it covers the whole chocolate. after that just put some mushmellow on top of the chocolate biscuits and put it in the oven once again for about 5 mins just so make the mushmellow soft and gooey, and wallaaaa!! smores is done! u can enjoy it with a cup of hot coffee or tea. :) its creative because with just mushmellow, chocolate and biscuit u can make such a wonderful desert! it inspire me because well, i started with making smores but after that i started making different type of cookies and cakes. just last week i made chocolate moist cake and and M&M cookies. and alot of people say it taste gooooood~ haha

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