Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Brave Disney Pixar

Brave! hahaha!! i think everyone should watch this movie! when i first saw the trailer i knew this animation from Disney Pixar was going to be very good! The way the facial expression , animation and how the movie was construct has the creativity level went above and beyond ! I like how the whole movie was construct like its real. I mean how the character came to life like its us who is up there in the movie. The creator of this movie really put in a lot of afford and research on this movie. Their English has a Scottish accent and yet it not so bad. It bring the life in the movie. It makes me want to try to make this kinda of movie that can touch everyone heart. In my field Graphic design and Multimedia, a few of our subject require us to shot a short flim or story or a PSA. In my pass studies and working life i did a few PSA that was quite good. But my old lecturer says that it has impact but not big enough. In this movie "Brave" some how it builds up your sensitivity side and use it towards the end. Like how this teenage girl wants her freedom but her mother wants her to be a queen. This relates to all the teenager and mothers out there. I hope all of you could watch this movie and have a blast with full of emotion. 

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