Monday, July 23, 2012

Pyramid: Wonders of the World

When we come across this picture, we certainly thoughts of the great pyramids in Egypt. This ancient monument is well known as one of the wonders of the world and still hold a lot of mysteries for us to unfold. These pyramids were built to work-ship their Pharaohs and to be believe that the ancient civilization buried their kings and their consorts during the period where Pharaohs still ruled the country. 

The most famous Egyptians Pyramid can be found in Giza, which is on the outskirts of Cairo and hold several largest pyramid that was ever built in the Egyptian history. The earliest known pyramid can be found in Saqqara which Pyramid of Djoser was built during the third dynasty. This pyramid and the surrounding complex was designed by the architect Imhotep and are generally considered to be the world's oldest monumental structures constructed. 

What amazed me most is the kind of technologies used by these ancient civilization to built these type of building which require a lot of materials in this case, blocks and blocks of stone quarries and thousand of man power to make sure this state of the art structure finish on time. Even though the exterior of the pyramid looked very stiff and dull but the interior of the pyramid is what i was fascinated about. Underground chambers and tunnels were built inside the complex and those chambers were used to buried their kings and secret chambers were built to hide their treasures and such.

The architects that designed and built these pyramids are one of the most prominent figures in architecture history and can be considered one that has the most creative and innovative minds of all times. These pyramids and their surrounding complex are often portrait as an example of state of the art architecture and being as an example for modern days architectures and building. 

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