Thursday, July 5, 2012


planking is of one the ways to get 6 pack.. haha Recently I've been working very hard in the gym to keep fit and lose some weight. So far, so good. I feel my body is more fresher and more energetic after i work out in the gym. I've been doing a lot of cardios like treadmills and bicycle, biceps and triceps work out, abdominal crunch and a lot more. I love the adrenaline rush that i had every time i work out and never look back ever since. After the gym the showing was so good with the relaxing steam room. haha .So relax and so fresh after all of that. I feel very happy walked out from gym. How i wish i could go to the gym every day but I do aware of my condition and sometimes need a break from exercising to cool down muscle sore or pain. 

Too bad i my 1 month gym has ended.. buhuhu for me. -.-''

Whoever invented this planking method certainly knows the benefit of it. Such creative idea inspires a lot of people to be fitter and thinner using this method. Such method is basically gives you great benefit especially for your stomach and leg as well as our balancing is fully utilized using this method. This planking method is widely used this yoga, pilates and many other forms of work out which is actually very good for our body.  

This creative method inspire a lot of people who wanted to slim down especially at the abdomen area which something is hard to get rid of bloated abdomen after eating all sorts of fattening food. 

in my opinion if someones has the heart to do anything in this world they can do it! we just have to work hard for it in what every things we do.

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