Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Food for Thoughts Today

This is a common thing that is happening in this world. People with low self esteem that is not confident in talking or speaking their mind. Usually "other people" bring our self esteem down with out they realizing it. That's okey.. that means that person as an asshole without realizing it. I would be a hypocrite if i say i dont do that sometimes, but usually i realize it and apologize if i do. So food for thoughts today? dont surround your self with assholes! hahhaa.. if u ever do just back away.. :) peace.

William Gibson is an inspire American-Canadian novelist which has been called the 'noir prophet' of the cyberpunk sub-genre. He is well known with his prediction of the rise of the reality television programs and the growth of virtual environment of video games as well as the world wide web.

His creations in literature and other form of arts has inspires a lot of people and his thought has been credited as an influence on science fiction authors, designs, cyber-culture and technology. 

What's creative about this? its the way he thinks. how he has the confident to say what he wants to say . but his words are very meaningful . almost every quote he wrote is very true.

what inspire me.? well just by looking and reading and understanding his words makes me become a more confident person. makes me think what is wrong with me and is it me that is sad or people around me that is making me sad .

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