Monday, September 3, 2012

Heroes of Newearth (HON)

Heroes of newerth is one of my favorite game to play. well is the only game i play now. yes i can been a geek at times.. wait. i think i am a geek. i love computer and and games. well HON is a multiplayer strategy coop online games. there is 3 v 3 and 5 v 5. the objective of this game to destroy the opponents base. to alot of girls its just a waste of time. but to a guy , generally me it helps me relax as you kill your opponent . and games generally helps us save money and stay at home. altho it is a waste of time but its a good way to waste time. haha.. atleast we are not running around doing bad stuff like drugs ect..

what is creative about HON? well ... there is more then 30 character in hon which you can choose from with all different sets of skills and skins. you can see how they create the animation and model the characters its amazing .other then that, in a way it helps us on our reflex to make judgments on the slightest moment when you are in the game.

what inspire me in heroes of newerth is part of my subject which i am taking now . multimedia. we are learning animation and abit of game design. to learn it we have to see it and use it. if we dont see how the animation movement and the modeling of the character is in the game or in the movies, how are we soppose to imitate it? 

Platos cave

i understand that the plato's cave is where they keep prisoners that was chained. They were unable to turn their head and all they can see is the wall of the cave. there's fire at the back of the cave which they projects puppets as the shadow for the prisoner to see. The prisoners cant see the puppets , the only thing the prisoner can see is the shadow of the puppets and hear echoes cast by the object. The prisoner then wouldn't know what is real and what is not real as they can only see the shadows so some of the assume that what they see and hear is real.  And if they could talk to one another, don’t you think they’d suppose that the names they used applied to the things they see passing before them?”(515b2) one of the lines from plato.  Quite confuse with this statement tho but it does make sense. they would just believe on what they see is true even if they can talk to each other. 

When the prisoners are released and see the real object they were confuse as what they see is not what they think they saw. Plato played with their mind. The mind only takes what the eyes can see and what form are they. 

What's creative about it? how plato manage to think and design this actual event and make people think differently by playing trick on the mind. 

in my opinion  plato's objective is that the mind can only take what the eyes can see and imagine what they are as the real object. but the mind can be wrong  as what we see is not always what they are. its like a mirage, the mind plays tricks on you.

Gladiator the movie

Gladiator is one of my all time favorite movie. It has one of the biggest impact on me altho i can relate my self in the movie as i am not a slave nor a king . this movie help me by inspiring me to be a better person. example maximus one of the main character , he was one of the kings men . after an unfortunate event he became a slave . then he brought him self up by winning the gladiator match! and he almost got to be the king but he died in the end.

The creative part about this movie is when now you are doing good. but after an unfortunate event you lost everything! that is not the end. life goes on and if you dont get back up your feet you will stay down forever , but if you stand and fight or face the truth and accept it , u can do it again and get back to where you were or even higher. because we learn from experience .

well in my opinion part of the flim is a propoganda. United State produce this flim. It didnt state when it was produce but it did state when it was released on  May 5, 2000.  why do people think that commodus is the bad one and maximus is the good one.? because that's what the director wants  you to think. during that time Kennedy was the US president and when he was detrone Gorge w.bush went up. could it be this is what they want to make people think about? because certainly this gladiator movie isn't really about rome. The US made this movie, maybe the US wants to think that US is rome? the great empire . This flim is based on propaganda as it want to influence the attitude of the community towards the flim. maybe the US wants us to believe that the emperor or the president now is a bad president and it need a new change. that is how i look at it when i saw the movie.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Projection mapping

Malaysia Design Year Launch - Projection Mapping Showcase from Motiofixo on Vimeo.

The project is self is a creative project.. i did this kinda work a very simple one for my final project in segi college. its basically a combonation of all Multimedia elements. pojection mapping is a video where we use a or multiple projector to project an illustration/ illusion  to a mapped area example box circle triangle ect.. in my  opinion we as a multimedia student need to know how does this element work as a group and as an individual. I hope i could do this project again for my final presentaion/showcase towards the end of my study here in utar. hope to be a better multimedia student. but i hate drawing!!
:(( to do this u dont need to know how to draw. just need to know the elements and design and color contrass of this work..

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Brave Disney Pixar

Brave! hahaha!! i think everyone should watch this movie! when i first saw the trailer i knew this animation from Disney Pixar was going to be very good! The way the facial expression , animation and how the movie was construct has the creativity level went above and beyond ! I like how the whole movie was construct like its real. I mean how the character came to life like its us who is up there in the movie. The creator of this movie really put in a lot of afford and research on this movie. Their English has a Scottish accent and yet it not so bad. It bring the life in the movie. It makes me want to try to make this kinda of movie that can touch everyone heart. In my field Graphic design and Multimedia, a few of our subject require us to shot a short flim or story or a PSA. In my pass studies and working life i did a few PSA that was quite good. But my old lecturer says that it has impact but not big enough. In this movie "Brave" some how it builds up your sensitivity side and use it towards the end. Like how this teenage girl wants her freedom but her mother wants her to be a queen. This relates to all the teenager and mothers out there. I hope all of you could watch this movie and have a blast with full of emotion. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Pyramid: Wonders of the World

When we come across this picture, we certainly thoughts of the great pyramids in Egypt. This ancient monument is well known as one of the wonders of the world and still hold a lot of mysteries for us to unfold. These pyramids were built to work-ship their Pharaohs and to be believe that the ancient civilization buried their kings and their consorts during the period where Pharaohs still ruled the country. 

The most famous Egyptians Pyramid can be found in Giza, which is on the outskirts of Cairo and hold several largest pyramid that was ever built in the Egyptian history. The earliest known pyramid can be found in Saqqara which Pyramid of Djoser was built during the third dynasty. This pyramid and the surrounding complex was designed by the architect Imhotep and are generally considered to be the world's oldest monumental structures constructed. 

What amazed me most is the kind of technologies used by these ancient civilization to built these type of building which require a lot of materials in this case, blocks and blocks of stone quarries and thousand of man power to make sure this state of the art structure finish on time. Even though the exterior of the pyramid looked very stiff and dull but the interior of the pyramid is what i was fascinated about. Underground chambers and tunnels were built inside the complex and those chambers were used to buried their kings and secret chambers were built to hide their treasures and such.

The architects that designed and built these pyramids are one of the most prominent figures in architecture history and can be considered one that has the most creative and innovative minds of all times. These pyramids and their surrounding complex are often portrait as an example of state of the art architecture and being as an example for modern days architectures and building. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012


planking is of one the ways to get 6 pack.. haha Recently I've been working very hard in the gym to keep fit and lose some weight. So far, so good. I feel my body is more fresher and more energetic after i work out in the gym. I've been doing a lot of cardios like treadmills and bicycle, biceps and triceps work out, abdominal crunch and a lot more. I love the adrenaline rush that i had every time i work out and never look back ever since. After the gym the showing was so good with the relaxing steam room. haha .So relax and so fresh after all of that. I feel very happy walked out from gym. How i wish i could go to the gym every day but I do aware of my condition and sometimes need a break from exercising to cool down muscle sore or pain. 

Too bad i my 1 month gym has ended.. buhuhu for me. -.-''

Whoever invented this planking method certainly knows the benefit of it. Such creative idea inspires a lot of people to be fitter and thinner using this method. Such method is basically gives you great benefit especially for your stomach and leg as well as our balancing is fully utilized using this method. This planking method is widely used this yoga, pilates and many other forms of work out which is actually very good for our body.  

This creative method inspire a lot of people who wanted to slim down especially at the abdomen area which something is hard to get rid of bloated abdomen after eating all sorts of fattening food. 

in my opinion if someones has the heart to do anything in this world they can do it! we just have to work hard for it in what every things we do.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Food for Thoughts Today

This is a common thing that is happening in this world. People with low self esteem that is not confident in talking or speaking their mind. Usually "other people" bring our self esteem down with out they realizing it. That's okey.. that means that person as an asshole without realizing it. I would be a hypocrite if i say i dont do that sometimes, but usually i realize it and apologize if i do. So food for thoughts today? dont surround your self with assholes! hahhaa.. if u ever do just back away.. :) peace.

William Gibson is an inspire American-Canadian novelist which has been called the 'noir prophet' of the cyberpunk sub-genre. He is well known with his prediction of the rise of the reality television programs and the growth of virtual environment of video games as well as the world wide web.

His creations in literature and other form of arts has inspires a lot of people and his thought has been credited as an influence on science fiction authors, designs, cyber-culture and technology. 

What's creative about this? its the way he thinks. how he has the confident to say what he wants to say . but his words are very meaningful . almost every quote he wrote is very true.

what inspire me.? well just by looking and reading and understanding his words makes me become a more confident person. makes me think what is wrong with me and is it me that is sad or people around me that is making me sad .

Random Quote of the day;

Here’s a toast. To the good days, the better friends. The ones that you just can’t live without. The people that have taught you how to party. How to live. How to have a good time just sitting around. Here are to the people that no matter how bad things seem, are going to be there for you. To lean back on and catch you if you fall.

Friends is an American sitcom created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman which was aired from September 22,1994 until May 6, 2004. This sitcom was a major hit in America as well as world wide viewer was also love this sitcom. This sitcom is about a group of friends which was very close with each other and went through thicks and thins together for the whole time. This funny sitcom managed to sustained their airtime until the 10th season before the producers decided to end this sitcom in 2004. 

This sitcom is a major inspiration for other producers to produce this kind of sitcom that could attract a lot of viewer world wide and managed to sustain for a long time. Friends is also one of the longest sitcom that has been aired in the American broadcast history. This series won many amazing awards and was nominated for a lot of awards such as the Primetime Emmy Award. 

Whats creative about having friends? nothing and everything. with friends we can make alot of things happen. with friends we think differently and some of them actually make you day more happy and some make us more sad. there are many different type of friends around. but me. i choose my friends. wheather to keep them or to leave them or just ignore them. because some friends tent to use you if you are not careful.

Hiking; an ultimate amateur guide

Besides than going to the gym, I love to go hiking with my friends. I find hiking to be more interesting rather than running on a treadmill in the gym where you can just run or jog in one place and the view is not very pleasing at all. By hiking, I could appreciate Mother Nature more and be closer to her while exercising. Hiking can be very interesting and challenging at the same time as we could not predict what could be happening around us while hiking. To avoid facing these unpleasant scenarios, we should prepare ourselves not only physically but also mentally. 

I suggest before hiking, you should prepare yourself physically by going jogging or maybe some light exercises to avoid any unnecessary pain or muscle sore while hiking. May I remind you that hiking is more than walking and running through the course but it could also involves climbing, jumping and requires a good balancing when encountering steep slopes or slippery path while hiking. Thus, you should also be mentally prepare to hike the course. For me, every day is a brand new challenge for hiking as we never know what we could encounter. 

Besides that, don't forget to wear proper attire for hiking. A proper shoe, pants and shirts are also important to avoid any unnecessary incidents. Other than that, it is optional to bring a small towel to wipe away the sweats flowing down and water bottle in case you're thirsty while hiking. Besides that, you could also bring MP3 players like iPod and other music player in case you get bored of hiking and need to listen to some music while hiking your way into the path. 

It is not advisable to go hiking alone as a safety precaution. Always go hiking in a group or at least a pair so we could prevent anything bad from happening. I think that's all for this guide. I hope it will be benefits to who ever read this entry. Take care! 

Hiking is a way to appreciate nature and at the same time, increase your physical and mental health. Its a fun activity to do with friends and family and it could also strengthen your relationship with them. 

what's creative about hiking? well its one of the way for us to connect with nature. because hiking isn't just an excersize . it helps us think, all the greens around us with fresh air as we walk up and down the path. its excersizing with out putting much afford. 

in my opinion hiking is a must do event for everyone . its good for us and it will help us alot without us even knowing it. just try it! you will see wonders after a few months . :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Last week i ate sushi at Sushi Zanmai Pyramid. I forgot what its called but its supper delicious . How the texture is form and fro. Only shrimps fish eggs and sea weed.. The combination of this 3 texture are awesomely good. Not to say its fresh! What is creative about sushi? everything! the color the texture the smell the taste! SOMETIMES i wonder how the japanese people create this food.

How does it inspire me? well not a lot of people eat sushi. because when someone says sushi they think of raw stuff. but me i only eat the fry stuff.. haha because the the fry stuff is so good it makes me wanna try the raw stuff. as in salmon , tuna and other sea foods..

I love Japanese food and I also like to try new food as I would call it food hunting with my friends. So far, I think Japanese food is the best delicacies around the world.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Made smores

Yesterday 16.06.2012 i made smores. smores isn't that famous in malaysia and its very hard to get.  its not hard to make yet i have no idea why people dont sell these. maybe because its very messy when you eat it. well how i make it you might ask? its easy! just take a biscuit, any type of biscuit and put chocolate on it. then but it in the oven for about 5-10 mins or so  just so that the chocolate would melt on the biscuits. then start to spread it a little so that it covers the whole chocolate. after that just put some mushmellow on top of the chocolate biscuits and put it in the oven once again for about 5 mins just so make the mushmellow soft and gooey, and wallaaaa!! smores is done! u can enjoy it with a cup of hot coffee or tea. :) its creative because with just mushmellow, chocolate and biscuit u can make such a wonderful desert! it inspire me because well, i started with making smores but after that i started making different type of cookies and cakes. just last week i made chocolate moist cake and and M&M cookies. and alot of people say it taste gooooood~ haha

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

my classmates

This is my classmates. They are very interesting in their own way. Hope in a way i can get to know them better in the future. I have 3 years to understand them. So better get started. on the left is zhi hui if i am not mistaken.. sorry if i spell you name wrongly, beside him is starfish, and joan , follow by carmen.. and in the middle with her hand covering her mouth is aly.. who would know that we all get close together so fast in a short period of time..and working together as a group.. they helped me a lot along this few months. i know i am not a very great person. but what ever i know i would help them too. i love their artistic sense which i am lack of. they thought me how to draw and i teach them how to use photoshop and illustrator. Its creative in the sense of how we manage to make friends so fast and its only on the 1st day. Those people inspire me to be more creative and hardworking in class. and because of them i manage to do my work a lot better.. i know i am lazy at times and now days because there alot of things in my mind i tent to procrastinate by playing game and watching movie. but because of my classmates ALL my class mates i tent to finish this semester with great hope of passing all my subject. thanks guys for all your help.

circumhorizontal arc

This is rather an interesting event that happen a few months ago in subang jaya/shah alam. From my point of view its a dark cloud that has a rainbow in it, and its the 1st time i saw this kind of cloud . I want to know more about this kinda cloud but i have no idea what to google.When i first saw this, i was like What in the world is this?  so i decided to just leave it as a memory. How often do you see a circumhorizontal arc? In my 22 close to 23 years in Subang jaya that was the first time. 

what is so creative about this? its a wonderful scene with all the spectrum color in it.I was thinking could the colors around the cloud be rainbows? then it hit me! yes! maybe its raining on top of the cloud. How weird that can be huh? i just wish that i could know more about this , and i wish i could be up there when that happen again. i wonder when will be the next time i could see this kinda event again. the circumhorizontal arc.

This inspire me to become a better artist. well im not really an artist now but hopefully i would be. all the art fundamental starts with the color wheel and spectrum colors . and this think i can see it with my own eyes. its like rainbow can be form anywhere at any time. this is one of the best example of it!